183,xxx Selmer Mark VI Soprano Saxophone, 99%+ Original Lacquer, Just Serviced, Video
1970 Selmer Mark VI soprano saxophone, s/n 183043. This is a single owner horn in excellent overall condition. My tech just serviced the sax, replacing several key corks and the neck cork. He serviced the mostly original pads, ensuring that they seal well. Cosmetically, this horn looks very clean for being over 50 years old. My tech removed two dings. The bell flare looks perfect.
Tonally, this is a dark sounding Mark VI. If you're not a fan of overly bright, nasally soprano sounds, then this could be a great option for you. The sound is very warm and lush. My tech who serviced this horn remarked that he really liked how this Mark VI played. I enthusiastically agree with his assessment.